Touring institutions: analysis of the film Camino


  • Natacha Mateo Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
  • Javier Mendizabal Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



Cinema study, Social Institutions, Bioethics, Gender stereotypes


If the cinema study became a powerfull toll to understand the social analysis, this lecture brings the intention to discuss aspects of the current society and the institutional influence. The relationships of the characters are strongly crossover by the natural knowledge of the conservative middle class family in Spain below influence of the catholic religion, specifically the Opus dei. From some topic´s of the Javier Fesser´s film, Camino, like life, health and ethics appear in tension whit theoretical constructions in gender and biopolitic. The mass media and the cinema usually shows exacerbated stereotypes of class and gender in the social net. The analysis we pretend to offer, represent a critical view of the institutional that it shows as given, the rules we passive assume as society, the stereotype roles we accept and the relation of politics and the strongest representative institution in Iberoamerica: family and religion


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How to Cite

Mateo, N., & Mendizabal, J. (2018). Touring institutions: analysis of the film Camino. Ética Y Cine Journal, 8(1), 25–33.