Bioethics of genetic innovations and artificial intelligence


  • Celeste Bogetti Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata



Bioethics, Cinema, Biotechnology, Artificial intelligence, Dignity, Humanity


This article addresses two films: Never let me go (2010) and Ex-Machina (2015). It proposes an analysis of these, establishing a counterpoint between both of them, having as axis for this analysis the dignity and the condition of humanity to which that concept is linked. In this context, cinema appears as a tool for proposing ethical and bioethical dilemmas. The aplication of new technologies in human beings brings new dilemmas in the biomedical area, which raises bioethical dilemmas. Within these technologies we find genetic manipulation/cloning and artificial intelligence, topics that both movies approach.  Regarding this, different questions can be posed: do the human beings, created artificially for an especific purpose, have the same dignity as others? How the intervention of technology to create humans that are means to an end can be morally justified? Which is the objective of creating artificial intelligence? Could it replace human beings? Could it be considered as having dignity?  We can think about this ethical dilemmas, that revolve around humanity and dignity, questioned by the intromission of new technologies, as an irruption of singularity in an universe where the mankind is considered mortal and finite, what if the posibilty of inmortality arises?


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How to Cite

Bogetti, C. (2017). Bioethics of genetic innovations and artificial intelligence. Ética Y Cine Journal, 7(1), 53–60.