The representation of the origin of humanity in ’2001: A Space Odyssey


  • Valentín Huarte Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina



Stiegler, Technics, Time, Anticipation


The relations between humanity and technics confront thinking with a series of paradoxes. In order to start our exposition we return to the synthesis elaborated by Andrew Feenberg in relation to this problem. Then we focus on the exposition of french philosopher Bernard Stiegler’s propositions, who has attempted to give an answer to this problem through an original theoretical development. We return succinctly to the concepts of technical system, tendency and anticipation in order to consider the commentary and appropriation that the french philosopher makes of the paleoanthropological discoveries of Léroi-Gourhan. Finally we focus on some remarks in relation to the movie “2001: Space Odyssey” in the light of this issues, in order to apply the previously presented concepts.


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Bergson, H. (2007) La evolución creadora, Buenos Aires: Cactus.

Bodei, R. (2006) Destinos personales, Córdoba: El cuenco de plata.

Feenberg, A. (2009) Ten Paradoxes of Technology en Techn?, vol. 14, no. 1. Texto disponible en: andrewf/paradoxes.pdf].

Heidegger, M. (1994) Conferencias y artículos, Barcelona: Ediciones del Serbal.

George Liddell & Scott (1940) A Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Léroi-Gourhan (1999) El hombre y la materia, Buenos Aires: Taurus.

Nietzsche, F. (1996) Humano, demasiado humano, Madrid: AKAL.

Simondon, G. (2007) El modo de existencia de los objetos técnicos, Buenos Aires: Prometeo.

Stiegler, B. (2002) La técnica y el tiempo I. El pecado de Epimeteo, Gipuzkoa: Hiru.

Stiegler, B. (2001) La técnica y el tiempo III. El tiempo del cine y la cuestión del malestar, Gipuzkoa: Hiru.



How to Cite

Huarte, V. (2017). The representation of the origin of humanity in ’2001: A Space Odyssey. Ética Y Cine Journal, 7(3), 71–78.