Maisie: the subject of the unconscious beyond the child


  • Valeria Nuñez Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata, Universidad Católica de las Misiones



Subject-kid, Hipermodernism, Subjective responsability, Mother, Family, Invention


A six-year-old girl, a troubled split-up and a fight where everything is done to keep with their narcissism. So far, we have a mixture which is very common nowadays. However, the directors show, to those who do not want to keep up with the parent’s different ideas that create a trauma to the kid, the possibility of the invention of the subject-kid, that one who, according to Lacan’s terminology, stands and does what he has to do with his real. In this short essay, we will try not only to focus on the difficulties that to the kid’s psyche mean the lack of significance from the Other, but also the position the kid takes as subject of true right to have a place in the Other


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How to Cite

Nuñez, V. (2017). Maisie: the subject of the unconscious beyond the child. Ética Y Cine Journal, 7(2), 19–23.