Crosswords about Soleada


  • Carolina Córdoba Escuela de la orientación Lacaniana



Woman, Mother, Anguish, Female jouissance, Radical Loneliness, Loss


This article crosses words around Soleada (Trettel, 2016), a film that captures through the daring and subtle eyes of its Director the intimacy of a middle-aged woman. The protagonist installed in an interval of her life, at the time that nothing is missing, is confronted with the emergence of the Lacanian affection princeps, affection that doesn’t deceive: the anguish. One woman not every mother, happens. Loneliness as a way leads to the protagonist in some moments to the anguish, the femenine to that area of radical loneliness that lives in the Other jouissance.


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How to Cite

Córdoba, C. (2017). Crosswords about Soleada. Ética Y Cine Journal, 7(2), 15–17.