The construction of the enemy


  • Cristian Di Renzo Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata.



Similarity, Difference, Border, Friend-enemy


History shows us how the dispute over sovereignty over any given region may trigger the bloodiest wars based on mistrust from creating a particularly negative image about the “Other”. This situation existing between Argentina and Chile disrepute with regard to border issues is, from the late nineteenth century, war moments of tension and relaxation. In this case, it will work specifically with the film: My Best Enemy directed by Alex Bowen and released in June 2005. In this award-winning film co Spanish Chile-Argentina-production critical direct conflict took on a war footing is made Argentina and Chile over the Beagle Channel and the islands Lennox and Nueva Picton. More precisely, the story takes place in December 1978, at which time the outbreak of hostilities seemed imminent and irreversible and where two opposing positions appear clearly: peace or war where it intervenes a key concept : the border.


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How to Cite

Di Renzo, C. (2016). The construction of the enemy. Ética Y Cine Journal, 6(3), 29–33.


