From Restlessness to the Braid of History. A transmission through three fictions


  • Lucía Amatriain Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • María Elena Domínguez Universidad de Buenos Aires



History, Fiction, Braided, Transmission


The film “Argentina, 1985” (Mitre, 2022) constitutes with is plot contribution the opportunity to unfold that fabric that makes up our recent history by addressing a crucial point of it: the Trial of the Military Juntas. We propose to read the braiding that is produced with the material from two other film productions: “The Official Story” (Puenzo, 1985) and “The Secret in Their Eyes” (Campanella, 2009), where we also can locate the intersection of the big history with the little stories. The cinematography offers us in its language the possibility of disturbing us, moving us so that we can later build continuity, temporality and a braid where the intervals that had been frozen and that required mobilization to be repaired are located. We approach the framework given to listening and reading in those temporary displacements in which the facts are presented, setting them in motion, alternating them, but, above all, tying and untying the recent trauma that we have gone through as a society and it becomes essential to transmit.


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How to Cite

From Restlessness to the Braid of History. A transmission through three fictions. (2023). Ética Y Cine Journal, 13(1), 79-83.