Mad Men
Feminism | Second Wave | Women | Advertising agencyAbstract
In this article I analyze the theoretical proposal of Betty Friedan developed in her book The Feminine Mystique published in 1963 and half a century later, her analysis is still valid in our context. In addition to the author’s arguments, I expose some scenes and dialogues of Matthew Weiner’s Mad Men TV series (2007-2015) located temporarily in the 1960s in New York City, period that coincides with the Second Wave of feminism in the United States and the context where the analysis developed by Friedan influenced. In this TV series where the daily life of an advertising agency is shown, a large number of mentions can be seen of the claims promoted by the feminists of that decade and various situations in which women were located in a secondary location, as was also the case (and it happens) in societyReferences
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