Incidencia causal del titular de establecimientos educativos por casos de “bullying”. Poder de vigilancia y responsabilidad de los padres. Nota a fallo.

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Ignacio Augusto Croce


The presently work's purpose is to venture into the analysis of the causal contribution of an educational establishment, in cases that are outside the typical assumptions by which the duty to respond is configured (e.g. injuries in recreational or sports activities; burns in chemistry classes; fights between students). Instead, responsibility that a school or college has in the face of physical and psychological injuries by school harassment, commonly knowns as “bullying,” will be analyzed. To do this, we going to comment on an interesting precedent from the Court of Appeals for Civil and Commercial Matters, Second Chamber of Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires' state.


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How to Cite
Croce, I. A. (2024). Incidencia causal del titular de establecimientos educativos por casos de “bullying”. Poder de vigilancia y responsabilidad de los padres. Nota a fallo. Estudios Del Centro, 1(2), 167–182. Retrieved from
Doctrina Nacional
Author Biography

Ignacio Augusto Croce, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Abogado (UNC). Escribano (UES21). Egresado Sobresaliente año 2021 (UNC). Cuadro de Honor año 2020 (UNC). Asistente de Magistrado en Juzg. Civil y Comercial de 1ª Inst. (Poder Judicial de Córdoba). Adscripto en la Cátedra de Derecho Privado VII -Derecho de Daños- (UNC).




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