Determinación del Cuánto en las sentencias. Comentarios a los arts. 333, 334 y 335 del Código Procesal Civil y Comercial de la Provincia de Córdoba.

Main Article Content

Martín Juarez Ferrer


In this work, the rules for determining the amount in the sentence will be analyzed, which arise from the text of arts. 333, 334 and 335 of the CPCC. To do this, some issues raised by the different purpose of the sentence provided in the sentence will be analyzed and the problem of the relative uncertainty of the amount of compensation will be addressed, showing the norms that arise from the texts under analysis; placing emphasis on the problematic area of ​​the system, that is, that of attributable indeterminacy. The question of the damage settlement process will be addressed, in its arithmetic and substantial variants, also inquiring into the constitutionality of the Córdoba procedural system.

Article Details


Doctrina Nacional

Author Biography

Martín Juarez Ferrer, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Doctor en Derecho por la Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

How to Cite

Determinación del Cuánto en las sentencias. Comentarios a los arts. 333, 334 y 335 del Código Procesal Civil y Comercial de la Provincia de Córdoba. (2025). Estudios Del Centro, 2(3), 18-40.