EL PAPEL DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS EN LA GUERRA DE IRAK: Análisis de las resoluciones sobre Irak desde la invasión de Kuwait en 1990, y la actuación del Consejo de Seguridad ante la guerra de marzo de 2003.
This paper reviews the part played by the United Nations in Iraq fromthe invasion of Kuwait in 1990 to the war of March 2003. To that end,
the article examines the process that led to the approval of resolution
1441 (passed on November 8, 2002) which allowed the coalition made
up by the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Poland to
start the bombings on Iraq on March 20, 2003. Since the invasion of
Kuwait in the summer of 1990, the UN Security Council has passed
more than a dozen resolutions that compel Iraq to act in accordance
with the purposes of the Charter.
This article contrasts the principles of the prohibition on the use of
force and the obligation of reaching peaceful settlement of controversies
against the resource of “legitimate preventive defense” formulated
by the Bush administration.
Derechos de autor 2018 José María Suárez Serrano

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