LOS MEDIOS DE COMUNICACIÓN YLAS RELACIONES HISPANO-MARROQUÍES. Un medio de alejamiento más que de acercamiento entre los pueblos de ambos países
Since Morocco acquired independence, relations with Spain have
been suffering the negative impact related to the contented areas and
the consequent rivalry conditions in both countries. Added to such
negative factors, the stereotypes and preconceptions held in both areas
over the past centuries still today prevent their civil societies from coming
together. Not knowing and not understanding each other is further
widened by the extremely negative role played by media and their
very often reductionist conditioning treatment of the Spain-Morocco
relations. With a few exceptions, the main feature prevailing in such
treatment by the media in both countries is their inclination to coincide
with the official positions shown in their respective countries and
to adopt quite an aggressive, partial and tendencious tone towards
the counterpart.
Derechos de autor 2018 Samir Bennis

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