CONFLITS ARMES, INTEGRATION ET DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE: Réflexion sur le rôle de l’ECOSOCC et des OSC en Afrique centrale
Given its uncountable natural resources, Central Africa appearstoday as one of the most important subregions in the African integration
process. Unluckily, this part of the continent has fallen prey to economic
and political instability due to the recurrent armed conflicts that turn
any attempt to integration and sustainable development precarious.
This is an area permanently in tension and demands strategies
and stability mechanisms as well as coexistence beyond frontiers, before
attempting political integration. Among those in charge of contributing
to such stability are organizations such as the OSC (Civil Society
Organization) and the ECOSOCC (African Cultural Social and
Economic Council).
This article aims to confront the objectives of the ECOSOCC with
the complex sociopolitical dynamics in the subregion of Central Africa,
based on two main points: one of them analyzes the African integration
issue in the light of the recent sociopolitical and economic evolution
and the other considers the chances of success of the ECOSOCC and
OSC in the integration process of the mentioned subregion.
Derechos de autor 2018 Jacques Tshibwabwa Kuditshini

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