About the Journal

The Revista Argentina de Anatomía Clínica (Argentine Journal of Clinical Anatomy)is a periodical (quarterly) journal belonging from the Asociación Argentina de Anatomía Clínica (Argentine Association of Clinical Anatomy). Its main scope is the diffusion of scientific production in the area of Clinical Anatomy and education. The Argentine Journal of Clinical Anatomy includes original research articles and reviews, case reports, anatomic variations, historical papers, clinical bases, editorials on issues of general interest and historical (by invitation), letters to the editor and comments on previous publications, abstracts or papers presented at congresses or other scientific events organized by the AAAC or affiliated associations and, in general, promotion of scientific activities. Manuscripts may be written in English or Spanish.



Manuscripts will be submitted to double blint review by expert referees (usually 3) different than the Journal Editorial Board. Acceptance or rejection of articles will depend on their decision, while formal aspect controls will depend on the Editorial Board. Articles may be accepted, rejected or accepted if modifications are performed.



Los artículos serán incluidos dentro de un número de la Revista que se publicará cada cuatro meses (marzo, julio y noviembre).



The Argentine Journal of Clinical Anatomy is a free open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles if they include the journal citation, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. Reader registration in the web site is optional, voluntary and only to aims to provide information and alerts.

For this purpose, it is working with Open Journal System (OJS).

User data will never be distributed without the explicit permission of the user and, upon request, a user's email address should be removed from mailing lists. All data held about the user will be made available to the user upon request.



Esta revista utiliza el sistema LOCKSS para crear un sistema de archivo distribuido entre bibliotecas colaboradoras, a las que permite crear archivos permanentes de la revista con fines de conservación y restauración.



PLAGIARISM: Manuscripts submitted to the Revista Argentina de Anatomía Clínica must be original and must not have been published previously either in whole or in part, in the same or other language, except in abstract form.. Manuscripts submitted must not be either under consideration by other journal. A statement to this effect must accompany the manuscript and authors will assume the whole responsibility on plagiarism. Plagiarism will be controlled by a digital system.

You have to register yourself as author. Submit the new manuscripts online, using the resources provided by this web site. Complete the form adequately and avoid author’s and institution names in the manuscript text. Submit the manuscript text (without author names or affiliations, contact author information and in "Contributions" write only author initials) as main file. Figures must be submitted as supplementary files. In METADATA: 1) Include all authors' names, affiliation, e-mail, country and ORCID (https://orcid.org) (indicate the contact author). 2) Title in the manuscript language in capital letters and title in the other language as sentence. 3) In abstract, copy and paste the "Resumen" followed by the "Abstract" (themselves wiitout the word Abstract) and separated by a blank line. 4) Write the "Key words" and "Palabras clave", separated all and each one of them by semicolon. 5) In "language" write "es; en". 6) in "References", copy and paste the references separating them with a blank line.

Provide a valid e-mail address, as we shall use that way to contact you.                                                                               

The successful receipt of your manuscript will be notified by e-mail; if not, please, contact us.

Submit the manuscript and all the figures as separate files.

Check the manuscript follows these instructions and remember that the corresponding author should include address, telephone and fax number, and e-mail address.

Upon acceptance of an article for publication, authors will be required to accept the copyright transfer agreement.

The Director and the Editorial Board reserve the right to return manuscripts and illustrations that are not in proper finished form or according to these instructions.

The Director and the Editorial Board may request all the supporting documentation they deem necessary and convenient (Argentine researchers must comply with Law 26899).

The Director and the Editorial Board reserve the right to decide priority and opportunity of publication of the manuscripts.

Categories of articles

1)     Original Communications: Original research on Clinical Anatomy or Education.*
2)     Anatomical Variants: Description of a new anatomical variant or a new information about an anatomical variant. They should be short, precise and well documented..*
3)     Case reports: Illustrating clinical and anatomical points. Maximum: 2000 words. Maximun two authors.*
4)     Reviews: Review and/or update of a topic.*
5)     A watch backward: Short articles on the history of Anatomy.*
6)     Clinical bases: Anatomical basis for the understanding and development of the clinico-surgical pathology, diagnosis and therapy.*
7)     Debate: Discussion of controversial topics for many contributors. The topic under discussion should be clearly specified.*
8)     Letters to the Editor: Short letters consisting on a comment to a published article. Concepts should be well supported. It should not exceed 250 words. Letters to the editor will be sent to the article authors and both, letter and answer published at the same time.
9)     Abstracts: Abstracts from Congresses and other scientific events.
* Peer-reviewed categories.

Manuscript Preparation

The “Revista Argentina de Anatomía Clínica” encourage the author(s) to suggest at least one qualified reviewer, including the academic affiliation and e-mail address.

The manuscript should be typed double-spaced throughout for paper A4 (21 × 29.7 cm) with 2.5 cm margin on all sides, in Word 2000 and font Times New Roman 12 . Number all manuscript pages consecutively, beginning with the title page.

Anatomical terms must conform with those set forth in the International Anatomical Terminology (Stuttgart, 1998), in Latin or translated to Spanish or English according to the manuscript language.

Do not begin sentences with abbreviations.

Be careful of grammar and redaction as well in Spanish as in English.

Abbreviations should appear in parentheses after the complete name before been used.

Spell out the word Figure in the text except when it appears in parentheses: Figure 2 (Fig. 2).

Spell out numbers when they stand as the first word in a sentence.

Numbers indicating time, weight, and measurements are to be in Arabic numerals.

Use the metric system for measures of weight, size, distance, etc.

The manuscript should have a uniform style and be submitted in finished form exactly as the author wishes it to appear in print.

It could be written in Spanish or English.

It should consist on:

TEXT: Introduction

Materials and Methods



Statements on: Conflict of Interest. Funding. Ethical Approval. Informed Consent. Contributions.




Title: This is the first page of the manuscript and should include:

a) Full title of the paper, in Spanish.

b) Full title of the paper, in English.

c) Type of article (e.g., original communication, case reports, etc.).

d) Abbreviated title.

Abstract: Include an abstract of 250 words or less that should be a summary of the article. It must briefly state objectivesmaterial and methodsmain results, and conclusions. It may be clear enough to provide orientation, to the readers, about the contents.

Key words should be included at the end of the abstract. They should not exceed 100 letters (including spaces) or repeat terms used in the title.

The abstract must be sent in Spanish and English.

Human and Animal Rights

If the work involves the use of animal or human subjects, the author should ensure that the work described has been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html; Uniform Requirements for manuscripts submitted to Biomedical journals http://www.icmje.org. Authors should include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human subjects. The privacy rights of human subjects must always be observed. Please also see the provided information by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)  http://www.publicationethics.org; and ARRIVE guidelines, http://www.nc3rs.org.uk/page.asp?id=1357


Conflict of Interest/s: State “None” or the type of conflict of interest.

Funding: Declare the funding origin.

Ethical Approval: Inform the entity providing ethical approval if necessary

Informed Consent: If necessary (clinical cases, presentations involving alive people or that may be identified in the publication)

Contributions: State the activity developed by each author. Don’t use author’s names, use abbreviations. Author's roles have to be mentioned following the CRediT-Contributor Roles Taxonomy (http://vocabularios.caicyt.gov.ar/credit/en/index.php?tema=15&/contributor-roles)



All references must be cited in the text and be alphabetically organized according to the first author’s name.

References in the text to the literature should be followed by year of publication, in parentheses, or by the name of the author and the year of publication when the author has not been mention in the text.

For example: ... studies by XXXX (2000)

... studies by XXXX y ZZZZ (2000)

... studies by XXXX et al (2000)

... in his study (XXXX, 2000)

... most of the authors (XXXX, 2000; YYYY, 2005; ZZZZ, 2007)

When references are made to more than one paper by the same author, published in the same year, they have to be named in the text with a letter (a, b, c, etc.), following the alphabetical order determined by the name of the second author.

For example: ... según XXXX (2000a)

 ...según XXXX (2000a, b)

In the References, it should be listed adding the letter after the year.

Abbreviations of journal titles follow those used in Index Medicus.

Citation for a standard journal article: Author's name(s), year of publication, article title, journal title (abbreviated), volume number, inclusive pages.

For example: Nightingale SS, Western P, Hutson JM. 2008. The migrating gubernaculum grows like a “limb bud”. J Pediatr Surg 43: 387-90.

Citation for a standard book: Author's name(s), year of publication, book title, place of publication, publisher, inclusive pages or total pages.

For example: Latarjet M, Ruiz Liard A. 1989. Anatomía Humana. 2a Edición, México: Editorial Médica Panamericana, 1-1825.

Citations with variable components: Editor's name(s), year of publication, chapter title, book title, volume/edition, place of publication, publisher, inclusive pages or total pages.

For example: Whitehouse GH, Worthington BS. (eds.) 1996. Techniques in diagnostic imaging. 2nd Ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science. 526 p.

Internet references: Author last name, first name initial. Year. Title of article. URL: internet address (accessed month, year).

For example: Goodwin H. 2002. Review of general and vascular surgery claims. URL: http://www.themdu.com/hospital/advice (accessed November 2004).

Acknowledgment: Include people or entities which facilitated or collaborated with the study or the publication. We recommend to acknowledge cadaver donors for teaching and research.

Tables and Graphics

All tables must be cited in the text and have titles. Table titles should be complete but brief. They must be simple to be clearly observed. Tables and graphics should be included after the figure legends in the main manuscript text file. Unpaid tables and graphics will be limited to 1 (one).


All figures must be cited in the text and must have legends. The number of free figures (unpaid) will be 3 (three). Additional figures have a cost of u$s 20 each one (half for AAAC Members). Figures should be submitted as separate image files, in .JPG or .GIF format. The image files should be labeled with the figure number. Figures should be submitted in high-resolution files to manage good reproduction. The figure legends should be included in the main manuscript file, following the references and before the Tables and Graphics. Original illustrations may be requested by the editors or reviewers.

All illustrations must be submitted in complete and finished form, size and aspect. They should be 16 cm or 7,75 cm (one column) width.

Illustrations should be of adequate contrast. When more than one image is included in a single figure, they should be of similar density and tone to prevent loss of detail. Minimum resolution: 300 ppi.

Line drawings should be black to achieve maximum contrast. Avoid the use of pencil, wash, or airbrush. Minimum resolution: 600 ppi.

Copyright Transfer Agreement: is available in the Journal website.

Proof: An electronic page proof will be sent to the corresponding author, before publication. All corrections should be marked clearly and returned in a timely manner. If no changes have been receipt in a week, the manuscript will be published as it appears in the page proof.

Peer review process: Manuscripts will be submitted to review by expert referees different than the Journal Editorial Board. Acceptance or rejection of articles will depend on their decision, while formal aspects will depend on the Editorial Board. Articles may be accepted, rejected or accepted if modifications are performed. There will be maximun two instances for modifications.

Charges: There are no charges for processing or publication, except there are more than 3 figures (see Figures).



As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscript has not been published or submitted to another journal (or their contents have been provided in a Letter to the Editor)
  2. The manuscript is in Word and figures are in JPG or GIF (send as independent file, not pasted in the manuscript).
  3. Provide all the requested information in the Title page. Take care of not including personal and/or institutional information which may identify the manuscript origin during the review.
  4. The text has doublé space, font is 12 points, don’t underline the text (except for URL), and figures, graphics and tables are cited in the text
  5. Reference citations in the text are written according the Guidelines to Authors
  6. If your manuscript has to be submitted to peer-review, be sure to follow the instructions to guarantee an anonymous evaluation.
  7. Include all statements: Conflict of Interest, Funding, Ethic Approval, Informed Consent and Contributions
  8. References written according the Guidelines to Authors
  9. Figures identified by their number (enviadas por separado) and figure, graphic and table legends included at the end of the of the manuscript
  10. On making the submission, did you include the information corresponding to each and all the authors?. Otherwise, only the registered author will appear.
  11. In the Metadata section – topic area – include information as well in English and in Spanish, separated by semicolon (;) all of them.
  12. In the Metadata section – key words – include information as well in English and in Spanish (Key words and Palabras clave), separated by semicolon (;) all of them.
  13. In the Metadata section – Abstracts – include information as well in English and in Spanish separated by a space
  14. According to previous points, in the Metadata section corresponding to “language” indicate “es; en”.



The Revista Argentina de Anatomía Clínica (Argentine Journal of Clinical Anatomy) is registered in the “Dirección Nacional de Derechos de Autor” (National Entity for Author’s Rights) of the Argentine Republic and provide all the periodical and regular information and statements to guarantee author’s and Journal rights.

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal. Use restricted to non commercial purposes.

Once the manuscript has been accepted for publications, authors will sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement to let the “Asociación Argentina de Anatomía Clínica” (Argentine Association of Clinical Anatomy) to edit, publish and disseminate the contribution.



Names and addresses of e-mails introduced in this Journal will be exclusively used for the mentioned purpose and won't be provided to other people or used for other purposes.




Asociación Argentina de Anatomía Clínica (Argentine Association of Clinical Anatomy)


  • Oficina de Comunicación Abierta - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba