Postsurgical cavo-pulmonary anastomosis and its implication in endovascular procedures.




superior vena cava; right pulmonary artery; central venous catheter; anatomy.


ABSTRACT: Both through dissections in cadaveric material and through imaging methods, multiple anatomical variants have been described in the vascular system, the superior cava system being no exception. These congenital or acquired modifications may difficult the performance of endovascular procedures, such as the placement of central venous lines. For safe performance of such procedures, knowledge of these variants is essential. This study reports the case of an individual with Ebstein's disease surgically corrected by a tricuspid valve replacement and bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis (Glenn procedure), who was admitted for placement of a long-term central venous device. Pre, intra and postoperative imaging studies allow mapping the patient's anatomy, planning and performing the surgical act as well as control of the devices placed during evolution.


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How to Cite

Ignatov Galan, M. F., & Russo Couste, A. M. (2022). Postsurgical cavo-pulmonary anastomosis and its implication in endovascular procedures. Revista Argentina De Anatomía Clínica (Argentine Journal of Clinical Anatomy), 14(1), 31–34.



Case Report