EMBRYOLOGY TEACHING: AN OFTEN-NEGLECTED PART OF THE MEDICAL CURRICULUM. Enseñanza de la Embriología: Una parte del Curriculum médico habitualmente relegada


  • Ivan Varga Institute of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava




Embryology, Medical Curriculum, Education


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How to Cite

Varga, I. (2017). EMBRYOLOGY TEACHING: AN OFTEN-NEGLECTED PART OF THE MEDICAL CURRICULUM. Enseñanza de la Embriología: Una parte del Curriculum médico habitualmente relegada. Revista Argentina De Anatomía Clínica (Argentine Journal of Clinical Anatomy), 9(2), 47–51. https://doi.org/10.31051/1852.8023.v9.n2.16899


