About the Journal

Focus and scope

Declaration of Ethics and Good Practices

External peer review process

Open Access Policy

Preservation Policy

Journal Frequency

Indexing and Inclusion


Focus and scope


Actualidad Económica (ISSN Nº 0327-585X (on paper) ISSN Nº 2250-754X (online)) is a refereed journal, in Spanish, published quarterly since 1991 by the Institute of Economics and Finance belonging to the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina.

Actualidad Económica publishes original and unpublished articles and essays. Its objective is to contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of economic issues, preferably privileging the treatment of aspects of current interest. In an accessible and engaging way for the reader, it combines adaptations of empirical research with topical commentary and policy actions. Its scope and approach aims to privilege, although in no way exclusively, the social events of the reality of Argentina and the region.

Actualidad Económica, through the publication of unpublished, relevant, quality and anonymously refereed works (bouble-blind-review), is aimed at researchers, students, academics and professionals interested in knowing recent research in the area of economic sciences in Argentina and Latin America in an accessible but no less rigorous language.

Actualidad Económica privileges the publication of intellectual production with origin in scientific or technological research, which in its dissemination follow the format of research, reflection and review, which follow a rigorous methodology and generate genuine contributions in the area of economic sciences.

The magazine is available in digital format. The paper version has been discontinued since 2013 (although a return to paper format is not ruled out).

The reception of contributions is open throughout the year, being January, April and September the months of publication of each new edition. Contributions that do not conform to the rules of the journal will not be sent for evaluation. The journal publishes only contributions in Spanish.

The journal reserves the right to accept or not the contributions received, in accordance with its thematic scope and compliance with its editorial rules.

The opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their sole responsibility.

Actualidad Económica is open access on the Internet under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivative 4.0 International license and does not charge processing and publication fees.

  1. Editorial Process

All submissions to the journal are initially reviewed by one of the editors of the. At this stage, manuscripts may be rejected without peer review if they are deemed not relevant to the journal or not given sufficient priority. This quick rejection process means that authors receive a quick decision and do not need to wait for the review process to complete.

When the first evaluation is positive, the articles go through the referee of external peer reviewers outside our editorial team and our publishing institution. Evaluators are selected according to their knowledge of the topics covered by each article. The referee is double-blind-review, preserving the anonymity of the authors and the evaluators. The evaluation system aims to be as transparent as possible, so the reports of the evaluators are sent to the authors, without the confidential part or the data that allow them to be identified. If necessary, formal corrections are made respecting the content. In case the evaluators request that the authors introduce modifications, that second version will be sent back to the evaluators for approval. In cases of conflicting arbitration, a third opinion will be requested. The result of the arbitration is communicated via email of the author. There is no appeal to the final ruling.

The Editorial Directors of the journal Actualidad Económica are ultimately responsible for the decision to publish the articles received. The editors must abide by the journal's publication criteria and legal requirements related to copyright infringement and plagiarism.

External Peer Review System

For the evaluation of the contributions received, the journal uses the double-blind external peer review process.

In all cases, the articles are evaluated by specialists in the area in which the work is registered (both external to the editorial unit).

The regular peer review process takes about four to six months. Possible opinions are:

  1. A) Publication without correction is recommended.
  2. B) Publication with corrections is recommended.
  3. D) Publication is not recommended.

These opinions are always issued on the basis of relevant grounds. The evaluation must take into account aspects such as: the originality of the content, the conceptual rigor, relevance and timeliness of the debate, theoretical and/or methodological contributions, clarity and coherence of the argument structure.

When the evaluators indicate the need to make modifications for the eventual acceptance of the work, they will be communicated to the authors, who must undertake to carry them out within a period not exceeding 60 days.

If the opinion issued by the evaluator gives rise to controversies, the works will be sent to a second evaluator. If necessary, the journal's management will mediate to reach a final decision.


Declaration of Ethics and Good Practices

The journal Actualidad Económica is governed by the COPE Good Practices Guide for journal editors (https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines)

Falsification or fabrication of data, plagiarism, including duplicate publication of authors' own work without proper citation, and misappropriation of work are unacceptable practices. Any case of ethical malpractice or publication will be seriously evaluated and sanctioned.

  1. Publication decisions

The Editorial Directors of the magazine Actualidad Económica are ultimately responsible for the decision to publish the articles received. The editors must abide by the journal's publication criteria and legal requirements related to copyright infringement and plagiarism.

  • Editorial Directors at all times of the evaluation process will consider only the intellectual content of the articles without letting aspects related to the race, gender, religious beliefs, citizenship, ethnicity or political philosophy of the authors affect their decisions.
  • Confidentiality Neither the
    Editorial Directors nor the editorial staff of the journal may disclose information regarding the manuscripts submitted to anyone other than their author, reviewers, potential reviewers and others in charge of the publication process.
  • Conflicts of interest
    Unpublished materials may not be used in the Editorial Directors' own research without the express written consent of the author.
  • TheEditorial Directors assume the responsibility of duly informing the authors of the phase of the editorial process in which the text sent is, as well as of the resolutions of the opinion.
  1. Obligations of reviewers and referees
  • Contribution to editorial decisions
    Reviewers will assist the Directors in editorial decisions and collaborate with the author to improve their work, if necessary.
  • Any
    selected evaluator who considers that he is not qualified to review the proposed article or who cannot comply with the evaluation within the established period must notify the Editorial Directors.
  • Confidentiality
    Any manuscript received by the reviewer should be treated as a confidential document. It must not be shown or discussed with anyone, except as authorized by the Editorial Directors.
  • Standards of objectivity
    Evaluations must be carried out with complete objectivity. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. Evaluators must express their reviews clearly, providing arguments with a constructive tone.
  • Acknowledgment of sources
    Whenever possible, reviewers should identify relevant publications that have not been cited by the authors and should be included. Likewise, the reviewers must notify the editor of any substantial similarity between the manuscript and any other publication of which they are aware.
  • Insider information obtained in the review process should be considered confidential and not used for personal gain. Reviewers may not evaluate manuscripts that enter into conflict of interest due to competitiveness, collaboration or other connecting relationships with the authors or institutions linked to the article in question.
  1. Obligations of authors
  • Requirements for submission of articles
    Authors must submit original, unpublished and scientifically rigorous articles. The work must contain sufficient references to allow the evaluators to make their argumentation. Manifest fraud constitutes conduct contrary to the ethics of the procedure and is unacceptable.
  • Personal data
    Authors must provide their contact information to be used during the evaluation process and, where appropriate, publication of the article.
  • Originality and plagiarism
    Authors undertake to submit original and unpublished works and to appropriately cite works or citations from others if they use them, in accordance with the journal's citation rules. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical editorial conduct and is unacceptable. Consequently, any manuscript that incurs plagiarism will be removed and not considered for publication.
  • Multiple or redundant publications
    As a general rule, the author may not publish articles that contain the same results already disclosed in other works. The submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal constitutes conduct that violates the ethics of the procedure and is unacceptable.
  • Acknowledgment of sources
    Authors are expected to receive appropriate recognition of the bibliographic sources that have made it possible to prepare their work.
  • Authorship Authorship will be limited to those who have made a contribution to the conception, design and execution of the work. All those who have contributed significantly should be listed as co-authors. Where appropriate, the other participants less involved in the project should be mentioned as collaborators in a footnote. The author is responsible for ensuring that the co-authors are included in the article and that they have given their approval to the final version of the manuscript. Actualidad Económicadeclines any responsibility for possible conflicts arising from the authorship of the works published in the Journal.
  • The authors of the articles must declare that the research has been carried out in an ethical and responsible manner and always in accordance with the relevant laws.
  • The results of the study should be
    explained clearly and honestly and the working methods should be described unambiguously so that its results can be confirmed by others.
  • Conflict of interest
    All authors will record in their manuscript any conflict of interest that may affect the evaluation of their work. The sources of funding for the project that gave rise to the article shall also be mentioned.
  • Fundamental errors in published works
    When an author discovers a major error in his already published work, it is his obligation to promptly communicate this fact to the editor of the journal and cooperate with him in the withdrawal or correction of the article.


Open Access Policy

The acceptance of the manuscript by the journal implies the non-simultaneous presentation to other journals or editorial bodies and the non-exclusive transfer of the economic rights of the authors in favor of the publisher, who allows the reuse, after its edition (postprint), under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivar 4.0 International License . The work may be shared, copied, distributed, performed and publicly communicated, provided that: a) the authorship and the original source of its publication (magazine, publisher and URL of the work) are cited; (b) is not used for commercial purposes; c) a derivative work is not altered, transformed or generated from this work.

The transfer of non-exclusive rights also implies the authorization by the authors for the work to be deposited in the institutional repository: Portal de Revistas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and Instituto de Economía y Finanzas and disseminated through the databases that the editor considers appropriate for indexing, with a view to increasing the visibility of the publication and its authors.

The institution promotes and supports the movement of open access to knowledge as a common good, so the journal provides free and immediate access to its content and its editions have no charges for either the author or the reader, under the principle that offer society in general scientific and academic production, unrestricted, it contributes to a greater exchange of global knowledge.


Journal Preservation Policy

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive distributed among participating libraries, allowing those libraries to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration purposes. More information


Journal Frequency

Actualidad Económica is a scientific journal refereed with quarterly periodicity, which publishes in the months of January, April and September, to expired period.

Articles are published, individually and in sequential order, in this year's edition.

The reception of articles is open permanently.


Preservation Policy

The materials published in this journal are deposited in the Portal of Journals of the National University of Córdoba, the institutional repository of the National University of Córdoba. Automatic backups and remote copies, format adjustments, integrity checks and other activities required to ensure digital preservation are performed through this repository.

Interoperability protocol

All the publications of the Portal of Journals of the National University of Córdoba, incorporate interoperability protocols that allow their contents to be collected by other distribution systems, such as digital repositories and harvesters (harvesters).

Journals that are published using OJS (Open Journals System incorporate the OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol in which with the possibility of obtaining different formats for metadata (rfc1807, nlm, marcxml, oai_marc and oai_dc) by entering in the URL the corresponding acronym as a value for the metadataPrefix parameter.


Indexing and inclusion

Actualidad Económica integrates the following indexes, bases and catalogs:

Catálogo de LATINDEX, Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal

EconLit, Academic literature summary database service published by the American Economic Association

DIALNET, Bibliographic portal of the Universidad de La Rioja (España)

DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals

ERIH plus, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences

REDIB, Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico

EBSCO, Base de datos de información científica

OAJI, Open Academic Journals Index

RePEc, Research Papers in Economics

CLASE, Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

MIAR, Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas

BINPAR, Bibliografía Nacional de Publicaciones Periódicas Argentinas Registradas

Biblioteca Electrónica de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación (MINCyT)

LatinREV, Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

Sherpa Romeo