Oral lesions, CD4 lymphocyte count and viral load of untreated HIV patients in Chiapas, Mexico


  • JC Nájera Ortiz
  • Josymar Chorley Sánchez


Community Health; Oral Health; HIV Infections


Objective: To determine the frequency of oral cavity lesions and their relationship with the CD4 cell count and viral load in patients with a recent diagnosis of HIV/AIDS in a reference unit for the care of HIV carriers. Methods: Cross-sectional epidemiological study in patients diagnosed with HIV, which included oral clinical examination and analysis of laboratory data. Bivariate statistical techniques Chi2 and Student's t were used. Results: 58 patients diagnosed with HIV infection who attended the center during the study period were included. The most frequent diagnoses were pseudomembranous candidiasis and hairy leukoplakia. The variables associated with the CD4 cell count (both in absolute value and as a group) were the number of lesions and the presence of angular cheilitis. The absolute viral load was found to be associated with the number of lesions found, the presence of pseudomembranous candidiasis and hairy leukoplakia. When this parameter was grouped, the number of injuries was found associated. Conclusions: The viral load was associated with the appearance of lesions mostly related to HIV, so its presence could indicate progression of the infection and consequently that the oral health status of this group of subjects is lower than that of the general population. this zone.


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