Structural dental audit performed entirely virtually in the context of a pandemic


  • C Escudero-Cantacheff et al.


audit, technological resources, dentistry, teledentistry, pandemic


The Dental Audit entails a planned process of observation, analysis, verification of indicators, interpretation and presentation of data obtained. The Structure Audit of the Dental Office analyzed had an extraordinary characteristic for a field audit: it was carried out completely virtual, in the context of preventive and mandatory social isolation by Covid-19. Objectives: Design a specific strategy to carry out the Structure Audit of a Dental Office in the context of a pandemic. Obtain the evidence necessary to qualify the aptitude of the dental office. Method: Synchronous and asynchronous technological resources were used, and collect information from the dental office through remote field observations, to identify the aspects required for a structure audit. Results: Information on infrastructure, resources, services, documents, biosafety, compliance with laws and care protocols was obtained remotely. Verifiable evidence was accessed on the minimum quality required of a health service. Strengths opportunities weakness threats analysis and audit report were carried out. The dental office was qualified without the need for on-site attendance. Conclusions: It has been demonstrated that it is possible to carry out a Dental Structure Audit using exclusively available technological tools. This work turned out to be unprecedented since no records in the literature of Dental Audit of Structure are carried out remotely, nor of direct evaluation of dental terrain through entirely digital means. The Dental Audit immersed in a digitized world advances towards achieving a dentistry of excellence.


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