Microbiological evaluation of dental equipment flexible tube treated with a bacteriostatic


  • Vera M, Pascualini CJ, Bojanich A


descontaminación, unidades odontológicas, AlphaSan


In health and in the area of Dentistry, it is important to know the risk of infection for the patient and contaminated dental instruments and equipment can transmit health personnel, since many of the infections. From the point of view of infection control, the essential elements in this subject are not fully developed; an example is the cleaning and decontamination of dental equipment and the quality of the water that reaches it. Microbial contamination of the hoses of dental units by the action of biofilms formed by microorganisms makes access and the action of different bacteriostats difficult. Currently, there are dental equipment in which the water conductive hoses treated with AlphaSan® (MillikenChemical). This is an inorganic product; it active substance is the silver ion, which has effects on bacterial cells, causing cell destruction


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