Application of multimedia technology to the teaching of Pharmacolog


  • Virga et al


The exhibition classes are not very motivating for the students due to the various limitations that include passivity and loss of student attention. A proposal based on an active learning methodology was proposed, seeking that students creatively address the resolution of problematic situations around the contents of the Pain and Inflammation didactic unit, then evaluated through the presentation of videos produced by the students. Material and methods: The experience began with the conduct of a survey among students to learn about previous experience in the use of videos for educational purposes and ultimately assess the initiative implemented. Students were divided into groups and work slogans were established, guiding the teams constituted in the selection of the group of drugs to work. At the end of the Pain and Inflammation Unit, the contents were integrated and the students presented the videos they had produced to address the proposed topics. Results: 20 videos were presented. The valuation of the productions presented was very good from the conceptual, technical, aesthetic point of view and of the contents addressed. All the groups concluded satisfactorily with the elaboration of their recording projects. After the development of the experience, it was concluded that the use of technology becomes an ally to promote the effective learning of Pharmacology, given the benefits obtained from using moving images instead of traditional teaching methods


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