Self-medication against the pain of patients who come to a public health institutio


  • Escudero Cantcheff et al


self-medication, pain, patient actitude


Objective: To know the attitude towards pain of the patients who come to the dentistry service. Determine the existence of self-medication. Methods: A questionnaire was prepared to see if the patient is able to consume medications on their own. The questionnaire was anonymous, personal, and voluntary and structured in closed questions to patients attending the Provincial Dental Institute, between August and September 2018. 141 people, of legal age of both genders, who reported dental pain were selected. Results: (n = 141) .65% women, 35% men. Age ranged between 18 and 70 years. 78% of respondents said they take pain medication. 20% go to a professional. 60% consume antibiotics. More than 50% do not take the medication correctly and more than 60% leave the medication. Conclusions: The established objectives were met. The existence of self-medication, the drugs used, the frequency and circumstances of consumption were observed. By assessing the information collected, we can plan strategies to inform patients about the risks of self-medication and reduce this practice. The interference of the state with appropriate legislation and adequate surveillance will grant safety and reliability to the patient and professional. Several Argentine provinces have headed towards it, favoring the decrease in the consumption of antibiotics, Córdoba has promoted a strong movement to face this problem and join the global plan for the control of bacterial resistance.


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Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT) disponible en: (último acceso 6 agosto 2020).

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