Cromobacteriosis e infecciones sinusales

Contribución al Estudio de las Posibles Relaciones de Bacterias Cromógenas en la Patología Humana


  • M. Salas Mantilla Profesor Titular de la Cátedra de Microbiología


Sinusitis, Bacteria


A report of new cases of Chromobacteriosis is made. Three chromogenous strains producing a yellow pigment (refered to as Flavobacterium sp.) ha ve been isolatecl from materials originated in childrens suffering from sinuses infections. The bacteria] characteristics were studied and strains classified. A review of the taxonomic criteria usecl by severa} authors is clescribecl; it is given also a review of the literature on Chromobacteriosis in man ancl the reasons to consicler those germs as pathogenic for the human beings. A tentative explanation is given for the possible mechanism by whith those bacteria are capable to clevelop infections in man.


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