Dentina reparativa

(Dentina de cicatrización) Estudio Histológico.


  • M. M. Fonseca Adscripto a la Cátedra de Anatomía y Fisiología Patológicas


Dentin, Secondary, Histology


Twenty nine cases of pulpar cicatrization, clinically, radiologically and hystologically examined through serial cuts in dental elements of youg patients, have been studied. The reparative dentine of cicatrization presents two stages. The first one is an indifferentiated one, determined by inegular and amorphous dentine. A second structure is differentiated one, determined by irregular and amorphous dentine. A second structure is diffirentiated by tubular dentine with odontoblastic differentiation which is afterwards chronoligicall produced. These stages are related in the existing pulpa at the moment the wound is produced, being its differentiation more rapid with tubular dentine, when the pulpa approaches its normallty. The fibrous cicatrization of the pulpar wounds is another possibility of repair that ocours only in a verysmall porcentage.


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