Adaptación a las paredes cavitarias de acrílicos y."composities"


  • M. Lerman Cátedra de Técnica de Operatoria Dental. Fac. Odontología Univ. Nac. de Cba.
  • J. Uribe Echevarria Cátedra de Clínica de Operatoria Dental. Fac. Odontología Univ. Nac. de Cba
  • E. Priotto Cátedra de Técnica de Operatoria Dental. Fac. Odontología Univ. Nac. de Cba


Dental Materials, Dental Cavity Preparation


In order to study the adaptationof t he cavity wall to acrylics and composites no grinding-ing nor trimming were carried out in 50 dental elements, gingival cavities, unnecesarily ground and filled, once the restauration material hardened, so as to avoid with it any mechanical or physical alteration of these materials and of the dental structure. For the filling, the conventional and the cotton pellet technics praised by Craig an modified by authors were used in orden to find out which of them produces the bcst cavitary adaptation. The elements filled were kept in Sél,lt solution at 379C and subjected to termic changes of heat and cold in order to resemble the conditions that these materials support in the mouth with the daily ingestion. The differences of adapté::tion were compared between the ac¡;,ylycs and composites with both technics. The adaptation was measured with an optical micrometer, using the lateral incidental light and reflexed in the gingival, axial and oclusal walls. The values were tabulet and subjeted to a statistical anlysis.


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