Oral health of older adults of a hospital community


  • José L Atala et al


bucal health, elderly person


This experience report is part of the call for extension programs subsidies of the Faculty of Dentistry, UN of Córdoba in 2013, stimulating the participation of teachers and students of the career in University Extension activities by linking with the JJ Puente Hospital community. The project carried out was aimed at addressing the health process - disease in oral health of the elderly, promoting their social integration in the plot of their community, through the interaction that developed between the members of the health team and adults older valid auto residents in the hospital. Work was carried out through the training of the JJ Puente Hospital health team in the promotion, protection and care of oral health of the elderly residents, strengthening the communication tools that allowed the development of a socio-sanitary diagnosis and assessment of the state of health Oral of the recipients to finally perform the evaluation of the process and products. We consider that the realization of this work allowed a fruitful encounter between university and community from an implication in the daily life of sectors in a situation of social vulnerability, recovering knowledge, experiences and building knowledge from the subjects' own reality.


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