Frequency of lower third molars in four cities of Argentina


  • Alejandro Quintana et al Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Odontología, Especialización en Cirugía y Traumatología Buco-Maxilo-Facial. Escuela de Posgrado


Classification of Winter, Dental retention, Third molars, Prevalence, Panoramic X-ray.


The mandibular third molar is the last dental piece to erupt in the oral cavity, and has a high frequency of anomalies in its eruptive process. The Winter classification (1926), which relates the third molar with the longitudinal axis of the second molar, facilitates the diagnosis and its surgical approach. In this work we determined the frequency of the position of the lower third molars retained according to the Winter classification, in populations of the Argentine cities of Ushuaia (Province of Tierra del Fuego), Neuquén (Province of Neuquén), Selva (Province of Santiago del Estero) and Córdoba (Province of Córdoba) in order to know the statistics of the different geographical areas. A higher frequency of the vertical position was observed with 350 cases (51%), followed by the positions mesioangular (31%), horizontal (12%) and distoangular (6%). No inverted molars were recorded


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