Acción de las hormonas sexuales sobre el glicocaliz de los conductos estriados de las glandulas sublingual, submaxilar y parotida de la rata


  • M.L. Rins de David Cátedra de Fisiología - Facultad de Odontología U.N.C.
  • F.A. Madoery Cátedra de Fisiología - Facultad de Odontología U.N.C.
  • B. Moyano Aramburo Cátedra de Fisiología - Facultad de Odontología U.N.C.


Rats, Gonadal Steroid Hormones


'I11e apical glicocalix of the striaJ·ed ducts in Wistar rat salivary g1wds was stüdied by means of histological and histochemical techniques to observe the modifications that are produced in it a'ccording to differente e:~.-perimental conditions: castration or testosterone or estrogen injection1) \Vitnesses - 2) Injected with estrogen - 3) lnjected with testosterone 4) castrated - 5) castrated and injected with estrogen - 6) castrated and fJ:jected with testosterone. H.E., PAS.Ptialine PAS.AB a pH 1 or 2,5 in combination with PAS were the techniques applied. The apical glicocalL\: of: Ü Sublingual gland showed the most remarkable modifications either by effect of castration or by the irijeclion of se:~."Ual hom1ones. 2) .Male submaxilar gland was more· sensitive to estroge.n or testosterone administration than the submaxilar gland of female .. 3) The pa:rotid glaud did not show great changes in any ex~'mined group according to the methodology applied. It is suggested that these structures are under the control of sexual hor·manes


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