Consideraciones biológicas, quirúrgicas y protésicas sobre el diagnostico, para la inserción de implantes oseointegrados


  • Miguel Mario Fonseca
  • Fernando Ferreyra


Implantes Dentales, Implantación Dental


The circunstances and characteristics of the bone in irnplantology are analysed to reach a diagnosis of the rnornent in which irnplants are applied. According to this analysis the irnplants are classified as irnmediate and differed. The irnrnediate implants have the advantage that they reduce the time of operation and preserve the alveolar region. In this type of implant cornplernentary resources rnay be used: alveolar dilation, autogenous bone grafts with periosteurn, osteotrophic rnaterials that preserve the integrity of the clot and favor blood clotting; and reinforcernent rnaterials such as titaniurn sponge. Differed irnplants rnay have queries as regards their prognosis due to the existence of osteolitic areas that comprornise the installation of irnplants. The biopsy of the bone and the stirnulating effect of post-operative alveolar scaring, are applicable criteria at that rnoment for the insertion of irnplants


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