Aspectos estructurales de los dientes primarios. Estudio al M.O. Y M.E.B.


  • Manuel José Costello
  • Oscar Nieto
  • María Elsa Ferraris


Histology, Tooth, Deciduous, Microscopy, Scanning Probe


Most of the histological studies made on deciduous teeth haveonly referred to the estructural aspects of sorne of their tissues, in relation to the exfolation and to the general or specific dental pathology. Therefore, we aimed at an integral study of hard tissues in primary molars to be used in future investigations of clinical application. For this reason it was our purpose, in this first stage, to make an integral study of the hard tissues of the primary molars. Thirty clinically molars investigated, twenty- six showed a normal clinic and four molars presented the "white lesion". Polishing technique was used for obsertations on the optic microscopy while sectioning was perfonned for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The following findings of this research were: a) Enarnel, prismless externa! zone and neonatal line and microdefects were easily identified. Few an little noticeable Retzius stries can be observed in the posnatallayer. However adamantine spindles and penetrating tubules are abundan!.

b) Chance in the direction of tubules proximal lo the pulp charnber !loor and absence of peritubular dentine is outstanding.

e) In30% ~f the analyzed molars fissures or hypominemlized area> were evindenced al intraradicular leve!. The Czermak spaces are not frequent. d) Acelular cementum prevails. e) The molars with the white lesion exhibit the histological characteristic of the dental carious


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