Group dynamics. Activity to integrate the ability to prescribe in Dentistry


  • Carolina Virga et al.


Dentistry education, teaching, learning, prescription, farmacology


Purpose: The study of Pharmacology in undergraduate clinical training in Dentistry focuses in most cases on the development of diagnostic capabilities rather than therapeutic ones. The objective was to develop a prescription strengthening experience so that students could consolidate prescribing skills. Material and Methods: An activity was carried out that was proposed to the students of the Chair of Pharmacology and Therapeutics B in 2022 and consisted of solving dental clinical cases presented by the teaching tutor and preparing short clinical cases presented by the students. Students were guided to carry out a review based on bibliography and academic documentation that provided information to strengthen the prescription. The activity was carried out in the Pharmacotherapeutics Integration Seminar during the school year, this being a way to link pharmacology with clinical subjects. At the end of the seminar, a survey was applied with 10 questions about the students' appreciation of their own learning. Results: 98,6% considered that the individual process of clinical cases in itself constituted a contribution to their training, while 73% answered affirmatively regarding the overall assessment of the activities. On the other hand, 87% of the students considered that the knowledge acquired by carrying out clinical cases in pharmacology will help them in the development of their professional practice. In the last point, 12% believe that it will help partially and 1% believe that the knowledge acquired will not help with the completion of the internship in the development of professional practice. Conclusions: The resolution of clinical cases taught by the teacher and the production and resolution of clinical cases by the student himself was a successful strategy for learning Pharmacology.


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