Histological and histomorphometric analysis of bone repair of rat jaws using alendronate and aloe vera gels
Alendronato, Aloe vera, Reparación ósea.Abstract
The maintenance of bone mass in the jaws is a concern for dental professionals. Objective: To study the effect of local administration of Alendronate (AL) and Aloe vera (AV) on the tissue regeneration of the post-exodontia alveolus in rats. Materials and methods: Absorbable gelatin hemostatic sponges were used; they were embedded with a solution of LA (0.5 mg/Kg) and 70% AV gel; control group (C) used saline. The effect was evaluated in male Wistar rats (n=64), divided into 4 groups: C, AL, AV and AL+AV. The first lower molars were extracted, the embedded hemostatic sponges were placed in the alveoli. The handling of the animals was carried out following the norms established by SECyT according to CICUAL. Determinations were made at 0, 7, 15, 30 days. The lower jaw was extracted, placed in a sterile jar and fixed in 10% formalin; the samples were decalcified and then embedded in paraffin. Histological sections were made and stained with Hematoxylin/Eosin. Histological and histomorphometric parameters were analyzed. An analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was performed for two classification criteria. Results: In the histomorphological analysis, at 15 days the AV group presented greater new formation of bone tissue. At 30 days, the presence of mature bone with the presence of Haversian systems was observed in the AV and AL+AV group. The histomorphometric study at 15 and 30 days showed significant differences in the number of osteoblasts per linear mm, between the AV and AL+AV group with respect to group C (p<0.01). When measuring trabecular thickness, significant differences were observed at 30 days between the AV group and the C group (p<0.01). Conclusions: The parameters studied demonstrated that Aloe vera administered locally favored bone repair in the post-exodontia alveoli.
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