Depth of polymerization of Bulk Fill composite: a sistematic review


  • Willian Rodríguez


Depth of Polymerization, Bulk Fill Resin, Conventional Resin, Viscosity




Objective: The purpose of this review is to evaluate the depth of polymerization of Bulk Fill composite compared to conventional composite. Method: through a literature review, carried out according to the PRISMA statement, using the PubMed database (Medline) since January 2015, research published in English and Spanish was included. Studies evaluating the depth of polymerization of Bulk Fill resins were included. Results: 10 studies were included for the assessment of quality and risk of bias. Bulk Fill resins would partially meet the depth of cure requirements of up to 4mm. Conclusions: the fluid Bulk Fill resins present better values of polymerization depth but are conditioned by factors such as irradiation and exposure time.


Key words: Depth of Polymerization, Bulk Fill Resin, Conventional Resin, Viscosity


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