Pull-out cytology as diagnostic method of oral lesions suspicious of malignancy.


  • M. M. Fonseca Profesor Adjunto de la Cátedra de Anatomía Patológica.
  • H. Gendelman Profesor Titular de la Cátedra de Anato~a Patológica.


Cell Biology, Mouth Neoplasms, Case Studies, Pathology, Oral


One hundred and forty lesions suspected of being malignant were studied using pull-out cytology. This technique is a modification of the customary technique, consisting in preparing the tissular stratum or bed from which the sample is to be t:aken. Then, toluidine blue stain is used to outline the most representati e areas of atipical · cells and discariosis.The results of the present work showed the efficacy of this method, specially conceming leucoplakia and verrucous lesions. Atipical cells  and discariosis were found in 18,82% of cases, while the biopsy showed the presence of lesion in 21,17 o/o of cases. The cellular flaps from carcinomas (Papanicolau's Grade IV and V) showed evidence of an intercellular substance characterized by being P AS positive, alcian blue pH 2,5 positive, metachromatic to toluidine blue pH 3,8 and 7 and aldehido-fucsine po~itive. This intercellular substance conceals the cells of the lesion.
