Estudio clínico de la boca de niños con cardiopatías


  • P. K. De Hidalgo Docente de la cátedra de Odontopediatría. Facultad de Odontología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Case Studies, Pediatric Dentistry, Heart Diseases


1:\. clinical study of c<bildren affected by cardiopathy is reported. The pape1 concentrates on the study of the J)}outh of these childien. The study involves 31 children of which 26 showed congenital cárdiopathy. This gtoup was compared with 30 children apparently l1ealtlly. The main items the autl10r investigated were: Coloring of mucosa, díseases oÍ the paradentium,. eruption: and:~oqchrsion of teeth, hipoplasia and or hypocalcification, dentition anoma]j~¡;,: (o 'iro.omalies in number of teeth) health habits and presence of·caries. Cyanosis of oral mucosa was present in the 26,92%
of children. ,Vi.t!A 'cóngeitit;J.l crdiopathy, being absent in the control group and the acquired cardiopáthy group.

No significative differences we¡e found in paradentopathies between cardiopathy groups and control group. The same was true concerning eruption time; malocclusion andjor oral habits. Regarding hypoplasia andjor hypocalcification of of tecth, although the percentages in children with congenital cardiopathies were twice as much as ·in the control group, the diferences were not statistically sigr¡ificative. 'íhe percentege of anomahes quantity of teeth is significative lower in the congenital cardiopathies in comparison to the control group. The D. M. F. study showed uo major difference between groups


