Lymphomatous Papillary Cystadenoma: Clinical and Histological features of one case


  • R. Caciva Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Facultad de Odontología
  • P. A. Belardinelli
  • D. Secci
  • A. L. Adorni
  • A. Carrica
  • R. S. Ferreyra
  • S. López


Salivary Glands, Minor, Neoplasms, Cystadenoma, Papillary


Cystoadenomas are considered uncommon neoplasms of epithelial salivary origin and are characterized by having multiple papillary projections and microcystic spaces recovered by cuboid and cilindric cells. Cystoadenoma is defined by the WHO as a salivary neoplasia very similar to Warthin´s tumour, but lacking lymphoid cells. The most common sites are the larynx, nasopharynx and lachrymal gland, although in some occasions these lesions can be found in the lips, buccal mucosa, palate and tonsillae. Thus 35% of cystoadenomas have minor salivary gland locations.


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