Permanent teeth with delayed eruptioh. Premature loss of temporary teeth


  • Miguel Mario Fonseca
  • Hector Gendelman


Dentition, Permanent, Tooth Eruption, Ectopic


Twénty two patients, from 5 to 12 yerars of age. with a record of prematura loss of temporary teeth dl.le to extracticms and/Qr acc'idents (luxations} ~ere studied clinically and radio 1 ogi ca 11y. -In 17 cases it was clinicalty observed that when the 1oss took place before the twenty !l'~~nths preceding normal eruption, a 1ack of eruption of pern~nent teeth was detected. The criterion used to · diagnose a. de1ayed eruption consisted in taking the eruption of the homologous tooth as reference. Periapica1 radiographs showed that these teeth made their eruption during the intraostea1 stage, thus rema1ning in submucous retention, The histological study cf the soft tissue obtained from the surgica1 delivery of thase pieces showed in variable grades of hya1inization of conjunctive tissue. In 5 cases wherc the ioss occurred within shorter pedods of time before eruption {from 6 to 12 rnonths}, the eruption was normal or acce1erated. We cOJ"lle to the conc1usion that ~t.'hen prew.atur-a 1oss of ternporary teeth occut'S bafore the 20 months preceding eruption, a deiay in the eruption is produc~d~ In the cases chosen for this study, ~he deiay was .due to a process of fibrosis and

hyalinizat1on of subruucous conjunctive papitlary tissue with features of a cicatricia1 bridle, ~ñ1ch we interpret- as responsibie for the subw1cous retention in these p1eces.




