Relación esmalte-cemento y presencia de caries


  • Miguel Mario Fonseca
  • Gabriel Mario Fonseca


Dental Enamel, Dental Caries


Choquet described 4 cases of associations between enamel and cement. The present work examines the percentage incidence ofthese associations and the possible individual variations and topographic variations within a single tooth. We examined the possibility that the caries should be related to a particular case of association. One hundred and forty teeth were studied. They were sectioned axially through healthy areas. 8oth enamel-cement limits were assessed at high magnification. A further perpendicular section was performed to complete the readings. Polished sections were examined and those of diagnostic significance were wom down to be examined under transmitted ligth. Those fixed in 10% formalin, were submitted to PAS staining to interpret PAS + cement and the process of cariogenic decalcifi~ation. It fined: Cement covered enamel in 23,57% of cases, enamel in contact with cement in 35% of cases, no contact between enamel and~cement in 39,29% ami enamel-over .cement in.;2;cl49/o.oLcases. Early caries were present in 37% ofthe total number of cases studied, beginning cernent )9 &;20%) irrdentine-(9;60%);--inthe-enamel<=cernerrttirnit {9;20o/o) orj ust errarnel (2% of-cases). Individual and to_pographic \l.aliations w.ithin-a-single-spec-imen were found.


