Esmalte aprismático en surcos de dientes permanentes y caries incipientes


  • Miguel Mario Fonseca
  • Gabriel Mario Fonseca
  • Héctor Gendelman


Dental Enamel, Dental Caries


In 50 permanent teeth extracted for several reasons, the presence is demonstrated of primsless enamel in a 60% of the same, in the emptying that configure fossa and furrows. In a 22% they keep relationship with the grooves of Retzius of the furrows, in form imbricated and in a 78%, the form to Jick. The employed methodology: microscopy of polarization and electronic microscopy of sweeping (E.M.S.), it allow to determine their irregular look when this zone is affected for the incipient cavities. The processes of loss of mineral salts and remineralization give up mainly in this zone.


