Síndrome de Pierre Robin": (secuencia de Pierre Robin) Tratamiento ortopédico precoz


  • María Magdalena Galliano de Bolesina
  • Silvia Alicia Sorokin de Szczerbacow


Pierre Robin Syndrome, Orthopedics, Orthodontics


Ii describes the child[s ortjopedic treatment that shows the Pierre Robin's Sequence (formely called pi erre Robin's Syndrome). The treatment starts from the first week of life. The orthopedic trearment is perfomed with an acrylic prothesis which in vestibular area adheres to the superior alveolar ridges, thus showing at a post daming leve! a posterior prolongation appendage as a that coincides with the fissured area. Thanks to it, the tongue finds. This allows the tongue to descend and advance progresively and partly sol ve the micrognatism and the glosoptosis that characterized this pathology, and allows the child to be fed by a nursing bottle. This therapeutic resource, plus the usage of nipples and anatomic pacifiers and an adecuate postura! treatment (supino - prono position), allow a right feeding and also improve breathing problems, that is a characteristic of these children. The orthopedic outlook is a preparation for a successful surgical closing of the cleft, This, together with the phonoauidological treatment and the psychological support allows these children 's rehabilitation befo re school age through a multi and interdisciplinary work.


