Multilingual Color Dictionary: Contextual Implications in Using Color Vocabulary


  • Claudia Zavaglia São Paulo State University (Unesp)
  • Sabrina de Cássia Martins São Paulo State University (Unesp)


Lexicography, Colour phrases, Multilingual dictionary, Colours


This work aims to discuss the universe of colors in relation to the singularities of each chromatic field. Since the use of color universe in language depends on the culture it represents, color phrases illustrate human beings' reality perception.  The multilingual dictionary, whose aim is to create colour entries in Portuguese, Italian, Spanish, French and English has been developed at the São Paulo State University (Unesp) as a multidisciplinary academic project, namely Multilingual Color Dictionary (MDC). In this work, we reflect on how the principle of Linguistic Relativism (Arcaini, 1991; Zavaglia, 1996; Lee, 1996) influences the study of color names; we emphasize the lexicon cultural character and reiterate the role of metaphors in the construction of this vocabulary, as well as we emphasize the necessity of considering word's context of use in communication between cultures. By examining entries in Italian > Portuguese and English, and Portuguese > Italian and English, it is possible to classify color vocabulary occurrences as symmetrical or asymmetrical cases depending on specific cultures' influence.


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