
  • Roberto Varela Universidad de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria.
  • Soledad Russo Universidad de la República. Laboratorio de Genética Molecular Humana. CENUR Litoral Norte-sede Salto.
  • Fátima Ferreira Universidad de la República. Laboratorio de Genética Molecular Humana. CENUR Litoral Norte-sede Salto.
  • Natalia Lequini Universidad de la República. Laboratorio de Genética Molecular Humana. CENUR Litoral Norte-sede Salto.
  • Enrique Savio Hospital Departamental de Salto. Servicio de Laboratorio Clínico. Administración de los Servicios de Salud del Estado. ASSE.
  • Mónica Gonzalez Universidad de la República. Facultad de Medicina. Clínica Pediátrica A.
  • Julio da Luz Universidad de la República. CENUR Litoral Norte-sede Salto.



anemia, children aged 6 to 48 months, anemia prevalence.


Introduction. Anemia in children is a public health problem in Uruguay, being iron deficiency anemia the most frequent etiology. The anemia prevalence is higher in regions or cities different to Montevideo. However, there is no specific data from the Salto city. Objectives. Determine and compare the prevalence of anemia in children aged 6 to 48 months from two educational institutions (CAIFs) in the city of Salto and analyze the associated risk factors. Methodology. The hemoglobin levels were determined by digital puncture in 240 children of two CAIFs, the perinatal data were obtained from the child›s card and a survey to family was used to obtain ancestry data. Results The prevalence of anemia was 22.5% in the entire sample, being slightly higher in CAIF2 (27.4%) than in CAIF1 (18.4%). The frequency of anemia is significantly lower in children who had exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age, while the other variables analyzed were not associated with anemia. Conclusions. The prevalence of anemia observed is lower than 2011 suggesting that the policies of iron fortification of food and administration of prophylactic iron to children between 6 and 24 months has been positive. Additionally, the lower anemia frequency observed in CAIF1 than observed in CAIF2 indicates the importance of coordinated action between health services, educative institutions and society.


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Author Biographies

  • Roberto Varela, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria.



  • Julio da Luz, Universidad de la República. CENUR Litoral Norte-sede Salto.

    Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Genética Molecular Humana. 

    Profesor Adjunto.


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Scientific Articles

How to Cite

PREVALENCE OF ANEMIA IN 6 TO 48 MONTH CHILDREN ATTENDING TO AN INFANCY PRIMARY CARE CENTER OF SALTO CITY. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2019 Jul. 5 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];23(2):69-77. Available from: