
  • Lorena Saletti-Cuesta CIECS-CONICET-UNC



Violence against women, domestic violence, health professionals, attitude, qualitative research.


The objective of this work is to explore the concepts regarding violence against women reported by health professionals working at health centers in Cordoba, Argentina. Qualitative research was carried out at primary care centers in Jesus Maria, Colonia Caroya and Sinsacate. Segmented sample according to: sex, location and profession. Twenty-one semi-directed interviews were performed between November 2016 and July 2017. Deductive subject analysis was used. The analysis shows three positions: 1) generalized violence; 2) unhealthy relationships generate violence; 3) male chauvinism as the cause. Most health professionals ignore the specificity of violence against women and places it as one among other types or considers it is a problem of couples with unhealthy bonds. Actions to sensitize and strengthen the bio-psychosocial model of care may contribute to the general understanding of this problem and its approach in the health area.


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Author Biography

  • Lorena Saletti-Cuesta, CIECS-CONICET-UNC
    Investigadora CONICET


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How to Cite

VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN: DEFINITIONS BY HEALTH PROFESSIONALS AT PRIMARY CARE CENTERS IN CORDOBA, ARGENTINA. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2018 Apr. 19 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];22(1):66-7. Available from: