University of Alicante. Developer of healthy university. Challenge and opportunity


  • JR. Martínez Riera Universidad de Alicante. España.
  • R. Muñoz Guillena Universidad de Alicante. España.



Healthy University, Health Promotion, Health assets, Asset map


Abstract: Justification: Within the strategy of Healthy Universities, the University of Alicante (UA) sets up a project to identify, spread, and boost health assets. It is necessary to give empirical content to Morgan and Ziglio´s proposal to use the model of assets for public health identified by the university community. Objectives: To explore the feasibility and the challenges of applying health asset mappings in the UA in order to improve health, life quality and well-being in the university community. Experience development: Training of health promoters: • Promotion of health and salutogenic theory. • Movement towards the model and strategy of health assets. Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Approach. • Difference between resources and assets. • Observation and dialogue techniques. • Mixed techniques: open space, TICs and mapping. • Professional skills, facilitating environment and support to get results. Methods: Achieve health asset mapping, its setting and students following John McKnight’s approach. Implementation of “what was learnt” in the UA setting: Project planning for the year 2014. Results: Development of health asset map, geolocated at the University of Alicante. The asset map was made dynamic, and connections among assets and university community necessities and participating people were studied. Dissemination using IT.


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Author Biographies

  • JR. Martínez Riera, Universidad de Alicante. España.

    Director de Secretariado de Sostenibilidad y Salud Laboral. Email:

  • R. Muñoz Guillena, Universidad de Alicante. España.

    Vicerrector de Campus y Sostenibilidad. Email:


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Scientific Articles

How to Cite

University of Alicante. Developer of healthy university. Challenge and opportunity. Rev. Salud Pública (Córdoba) [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 14 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];18(3):55-64. Available from: