Physical fitness in veteran soccer
Mature adult, maximum oxygen consumption, strengthAbstract
Abstract: In the last decades, the impact of physical activity on health has been shown in different populations. However, the impact of energetic and systematized physical activities on adult health is unknown. The objective of this research was to assess the levels of physical fitness of adult mature participants aged over 50 in a veteran soccer league in the province of Catamarca. A cross-sectional explicative research model with non-experimental design was used. In the soccer group, there were 58 veteran sportsmen, aged 52 + 3; in the control group there were 37 sedentary people aged 52 + 5. They were evaluated in Physical Fitness, Resistance, ergospirometry, Strength Power jump and reach test (J&R); Body Mass Index (BMI). Results found show that the soccer group has higher values in the components Physical Fitness, Resistance, and Strength Power than the control group, with significant differences. As regards the BMI variable, values are significantly lower for the veteran soccer group than for the control group. From our results we can come to the conclusion that the veteran soccer players have good physical fitness.
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