Guide to the teaching collections of the Mineralogical-Geological Museum of the University of Cordoba

2nd Section: Aggregates and physical characteristics of minerals (Nos. 179 to 504, windows 2, 3 and 4)


  • Guillermo Bodenbender Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


crystallized aggregates, crystalline aggregates, amorphous aggregates, pseudomorphs, aggregates of organic forms, cleavage, fracture, hardness, toughness and elasticity, density, gloss, colors, powder color, hairiness, metallic and non-metallic character, single and double refraction, dispersion, pleochroism, play of colors, asterism, fluorescence, phosphorescence, electrical and magnetic characters, radioactivity, thermal characters, physiological characters, heteromorphism, isomorphism


This guide, although it is primarily of local use, can be used by the higher schools, modifying it according to the degree of teaching, to form adequate collections and to write their corresponding guides, without which the teaching collections cannot fulfill their didactic purposes. Thus, with this publication, the requests addressed to me by several schools have been fulfilled.


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Author Biography

Guillermo Bodenbender, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


The academic and scientific career of Dr. Guillermo Bodenbender is presented, from his brief performance and doctorate at the University of Gottingen, Germany and the achievements reached during the almost fifty-eight years of residence in Argentina. Based in Córdoba since 1885, he developed an arduous teaching and scientific task, having to replace Brackebush when he returned to Germany. As Professor of Geology and Director of the Museum of Anthropology and Paleontology in replacement of Ameghino at the University of Córdoba and as Member of the National Academy of Sciences, Bodenbender left an important scientific work, standing out the neat and documented exploration of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of the Main Mountain Range from Neuquén to Mendoza and San Juan. Then he dealt with the Precordillera of La Rioja, San Juan and Mendoza, pointing out the presence of the marine Silurian and Devonian and the Gondwanic Upper Paleozoic with abundant fossil remains of plants. Finally, it is worth mentioning the excellent geological work of Bodenbender in the Sierras Pampeanas, especially in the Sierras de Córdoba, Sierras de Los Llanos in La Rioja and the Nevado del Famatina, also in La Rioja, leaving an excellent cartography and geological profiles of obligatory consultation.


Hünicken M. (2005). Doctor Guillermo Bodenbender, his Geological Work in Argentina. Serie Correlación Geológica, 19. 15-22. Retrieved from




How to Cite

Bodenbender, G. (1916). Guide to the teaching collections of the Mineralogical-Geological Museum of the University of Cordoba: 2nd Section: Aggregates and physical characteristics of minerals (Nos. 179 to 504, windows 2, 3 and 4) . Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 3(4), 151–201. Retrieved from

