Speech delivered at the solemn graduation ceremony on December 8, 1916, by Dr. Pedro E. Vivas, Esq


  • Pedro E Vivas Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


collation of degrees, speech


We celebrate the most characteristic and significant act of university life. The folds of its austere academic solemnity are half-opened, and it is more a greeting of initiation than a farewell to the student, the familiar emotion of affections cultivated during a beautiful period of life emerges and affirms the intense faith, shared by all, in the persistent cultural irradiation of the University of Cordoba.


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Author Biography

Pedro E Vivas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Pedro Vivas

Pedro Ezequiel Vivas was born in 1895 in Córdoba, Argentina.
He was a lawyer who was elected on behalf of the Unión Cívica Radical as Senator of the province of Córdoba (1926-1930).
He was also elected as Deputy of the province of Córdoba (1918-1920) and appointed by Governor Eufrasio Loza as undersecretary in the governor's office (1916-1917).
He was assassinated during the armed confrontation that took place in the locality of the Department Río Primero called Plaza de Mercedes during the complementary provincial elections of November 17, 1935.
After the provincial elections of Córdoba were held on November 3, 1935, complementary elections were held in several localities because they had not been held or were contested for various reasons.

On that date, members of the Democratic Party of Córdoba with the support of the Police tried to carry out the well-known electoral fraud that characterized the so-called Infamous Decade. To avoid this, Dr. Amadeo Sabattini, candidate for governor for the Unión Cívica Radical (Radical Civic Union), commissioned a mission of electoral observers integrated by Dr. Pedro Vivas, the former Chief of Investigations of the Police of Córdoba and shooting champion Carlos Moyano and Agobar Anglada, among others. When the radicals arrived at the polling place and after a brief exchange of words, a fierce shootout began that left as a result eight wounded from both sides and eight dead, among them Dr. Vivas who died immediately and Anglada who was wounded in the artery of a leg and bled to death minutes later. The list of fatalities was completed with 6 policemen who died and 3 more policemen who were seriously wounded.
In spite of this and other attempts of fraud, less violent, the formula of the Radical Civic Union integrated by Dr. Amadeo Sabattini and Alejandro Gallardo would not be prevented from being consecrated as Governor and Vice-governor of Córdoba.
Several party premises in the Mediterranean province and a railroad station in the town called Kilometro 658 bear the name of "Dr. Pedro Vivas" as a tribute to his dedication in favor of democracy.

His son Raúl Enrique Vivas was also a prominent member of the Radical Civic Union of Córdoba.
He died on Sunday, November 17, 1935 in Plaza de Mercedes, Córdoba, Argentina.


Efemérides Radicales (n.d.) Pedro Vivas (1895-1935). http://www.efemeridesradicales.com.ar/Indice/P/Pedro_Vivas/Pedro_Vivas.html



How to Cite

Vivas, P. E. (1916). Speech delivered at the solemn graduation ceremony on December 8, 1916, by Dr. Pedro E. Vivas, Esq. Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 3(10), 276–278. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/REUNC/article/view/4372

