Research on the process of blood coagulation: the role of platelets


  • Virgilo Ducceschi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


blood coagulation, platelet


One of the reasons why the phenomenon of blood coagulation remained obscure for a long time and still preserves some unknowns, is the fact that not enough account has been taken of the fact that it is not a single and simple process, but that it involves a series of successive phases of a completely different nature, through whose course the blood comes to fulfill this special defensive function. One of the least known of these is that which initiates the characteristic transformation of the blood that will result in the change of its 'physical' state. The fact that this functional moment is perhaps the most rapid and is probably related to the function of platelets or hematoblasts, elements whose genesis and activity are little known, has made it difficult to determine its exact development.


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Author Biography

Virgilo Ducceschi, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

The first historians of psychology in Argentina and Latin America have laconically mentioned the presence of Virgilio Ducceschi on the map of the initiators of experimental psychology. For many years the trail of this medical physiologist who would lay the foundations of experimental psychology in Córdoba, Argentina, was lost. Ducceschi's pioneering work in Latin America, more precisely in Córdoba, involved the teaching of psychology in the chair of experimental psychology that he created in 1907, as well as the creation of a new apparatus for psychological experiments: the mental recorder (1910). The chair of physiology, in which Ducceschi began to serve from 1906, was created by Dr. De Grandis, the same one who guided the creation of the famous laboratory of Horacio Piñero in Buenos Aires.


Ferrari, Fernando José. (2013). Virgilio Ducceschi y el primer laboratorio de psicología experimental en Córdoba, Argentina (1907). Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia, 13(2), 779-805. Recuperado em 03 de setembro de 2021, de


Ferrata, Morfología del sangue normale e patológico, Milano, 1912, pág. 198.

R. Hauser: Zur Frage der Trombose (Virchow's Archiv. 215 Bd., 1915, p. 65).

V. Ducceschi: Untersuchungen fiber die Blutgerinunng bei Wirbellosen Tieren (Beitrage z. chemischen Physiologie, Bd. III, s. 578, 1902).

V. Ducceschi: Di una modificazione macroscopica del sangue che precede Ia coagulazione (R. Accademia dei Lincei. Seduta del 1.° Febbr. 1905. Rend. Vol. XII, pág. 94, 1905)

A. Zeri e M. Almagia: Sull' agglutinazione delle piastrine nelle malattie febbrili (Policlinico. Sez. Frat. 1915)



How to Cite

Ducceschi, V. (1915). Research on the process of blood coagulation: the role of platelets. Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 2(5), 169–189. Retrieved from

