The Social Philosophy of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento


  • Pedro León Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


social philosophy, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, Sarmiento's background


FIRST PART: Introduction. Sarmiento's background and his relations with the environment.

SECOND PART: Sarmiento's Social Philosophy. Concept of Social Philosophy. Sarmiento's social ideas.

THIRD PART: Elements of Sarmiento's Social Philosophy. (1st part). Geographic, economic, educational and psychological factors.

FOURTH PART: Elements of Sarmiento's Social Philosophy. (2nd part). The race factor.

FIFTH PART: Synthesis of Sarmiento's work. Civilization and barbarism. An observation by Ricardo Rojas. Sarmiento's production is disorderly and chaotic; we have already said that no sociological system predominates in it.

SIXTH PART: Conclusions. Character of Sarmiento's Social Philosophy. General summary.


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"Conflictos y Armonias...." - Buenos Aires, 1885 - Tomo1º.

Jocqueville. - De la démocratie en Amérique. - Bruselas, 1840. - pág. 31. T.1º.

Vaine. - Los filósofos del siglo XIX. - Ed. Sempere, pág. 35.

Ward. - Compendio de Socíología. Ed. Fé, págs. 25 y 24.

E. Martínez Paz. - Los elementos de la Sociología, pág.29.

Vicente Fidel Lopez. - Historia de la R. A. - Buenos Aires, 1912. - I. X, pags, 115 y 116.

R. Rojas. - Blasón de Plata. - Buenos Aires, 1912, pág. 165.



How to Cite

León, P. (1914). The Social Philosophy of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 1(3), 392–430. Retrieved from

