Claude Bernard and the Experimental Method


  • Bernardo Alberto Houssay Universidad de Buenos Aires


Claude Bernard, Experimental Method, Houssay, biography, bio


Claude Bernard is one of the greatest and purest scientific glories of France. He has codified experimental medicine, he has given autonomy and vigorous impulse to physiology, and in 20 years he has found more dominating facts, not only than the French physiologists, who in scarce number worked at his side, but than the totality of the physiologists of the whole world, as Paul Bert said. Through space and time he has exerted a profound influence on all of them, and for my part I consider him as one of my masters because of the powerful stimulus that my vocation received when I came to know his works and his doctrines, which explains why I have for him a devout and profound admiration.

Author Biography

  • Bernardo Alberto Houssay, Universidad de Buenos Aires

    Bernardo Alberto Houssay (Buenos Aires, April 10, 1887 - Buenos Aires, September 21, 1971) was an Argentine physician, professor and pharmacist. For his discoveries on the role played by pituitary hormones in the regulation of the amount of sugar in the blood (glucose), he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1947, being the first Latin American laureate in Science (Carlos Saavedra Lamas, also Argentine, had won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1936). Thanks to his work, physiology was the most vigorous and developed medical discipline in Argentina.

    Bernardo Houssay (July 15, 2023). In Wikipedia.


Dastre A., Bernard (Claude), Díctíonnaíre de Physíologie par Charles Richet, 1897, 2, 77.

Izquierdo J. J., Las dos versiones castellanas de la "Introducción al estudio de la Medicina experimental" de Claude Bernard, Gaceta Gaceta Médica de México, 1941, 71, 372.

Bernard C., Introduction a l'Etude de la Médicíne Experimentale, 1865, París, J. B. Bailliere et fils.

Bernard C., La Scíeneie experimentale; 1878, París, J. B. Bailliere et fils.

D'Arsonval A., Claude Bernard, Pensées 1937, París, J. B. Bailliere et fils.

Faure J. L., Claude Bernard, 1925, París, Les éditions G. Crés.

Duval M., de la Condraie R., Malloizel G., L'oeuvre de Claude Bernard, 1881, París, J. B. Bailliere et fils.

Foster M., Claude Bernard, 1899, London, T. Fisher Unwin.







How to Cite

Claude Bernard and the Experimental Method. (1941). Revista De La Universidad Nacional De Córdoba, 28(9/10), 1282-1295.